Se encuentra aquí: Máquinas » Prensas conformadoras en frío de doble efecto y simple efecto » ND Tandem Double-Blow Cold Former

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Máquinas para fabricar piezas conformadas
Programa Vista sinóptica
ND Tandem Double-Blow Cold Former
Tandem Double-Blow Cold Former ND
- Separate preform and finish punching of the head shape on both sides of the blank
- Short stroke punching; the travel of the punch slide is only as long as the wire length necessary for the forming operation
- Symmetrical or asymmetrical cutting of the blank that is formed on both sides, so that two blanks with finished head shapes are produced per working cycle
- Use of standard material instead of phospated wire. The previously necessary operation "intermediate wash" of the blanks before thread rolling is no longer necessary

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ND Tandem Double-Blow Cold Former